24 Kasım 2015 Salı


Burcu Söğüt , Gizem Koz , Hilal Sergili , Büşra Kayhan

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen !
Today we will explain ancillary revenue that is derived from goods and services other than a company's primary product or service offering. When we consider it for airline, this revenue comes from non-ticket sources. Our video includes Ryanair's ancillary revenue, as an example of car rental. Also, we faced some technological issues as a group, due to that Mehmet Barış Raday gave support to us. 

Let's give him a thunderous applause ! :)



Burcu Söğüt , Gizem Koz , Hilal Sergili , Büşra Kayhan

Hola guys! :)
In this post, we will explain fuel cost percentages and ways to reduce fuel cost. Airlines that we search about are Ryanair, Lufthansa, Delta Airlines and Emirates again and again. I hope we did not bore you with these 4 airlines :) After making this video, we think that LCC have highest fuel cost in comparison to FSC. To obtain lots of information, watch the video please.



Burcu Söğüt , Gizem Koz , Hilal Sergili , Büşra Kayhan

Hello everyone :)
Today, we will examine Barcelona-Istanbul route for finding route capacity and route traffic. Firstly, please watch the video and then you can find further information below in the report. 
Have a nice flight amigos! :)

This paper will analyze direct routes between Barcelona (Spain) and Istanbul (Turkey) and also examine their airports, their direct flights, route capacity and their route traffic.


Population of Spain: 47,786,049
Population of Barcelona: 1,621,537
Ratio: 0.033

Population of Turkey: 77,695,904
Population of İstanbul: 14,377,018
Ratio: 0.185

Barcelona El Prat International Airport
ü  IATA Code: BCN
ü  ICAO Code: LEBL
ü  Domestic Pax:
ü  International Pax:
ü  Total Pax: 37.5 Million

Total Air Passenger per Capita in Barcelona: 37,500,000 / 1,621,537 = 23.12        

Istanbul Ataturk International Airport
ü  IATA Code: IST
ü  ICAO Code: LTBA
ü  Domestic Pax: 18.754.002
ü  International Pax: 38.200.788 
ü  Total Pax: 56.954.790

Sabiha Gökçen International Airport
ü  IATA Code: SAW
ü  ICAO Code: LTFJ
ü  Domestic Pax:15.028.257
ü  International Pax:8.603.626
ü  Total Pax:23.631.883

Total Air Passenger per Capita in İstanbul: (23.631.883 + 56.954.790) / 14,377,018 = 5.60


When looking for direct flight between Barcelona and Istanbul, only two airline are providing flight without stopping which are THY and PEGASUS.

When it is time to examine route capacity and route traffic, all information that required to calculate are Available Seat, Available Seat Km, Revenue Passenger, Revenue Passenger Km and Load Factor.
Used formulas seen in paper like this: 

According to databases from group members’ internet research: average load factor is %79.5

Distance by Flight:
SAW-BCN / BCN–SAW : 1,416 Miles / 2279 km
IST-BCN / BCN-IST :  1,389 Miles / 2236 km

Distance by road :
SAW-BCN / BCN–SAW : 1,861 Miles / 2995 km
IST-BCN / BCN-IST :  1,833 Miles / 2950 km





Burcu Söğüt , Gizem Koz , Hilal Sergili , Büşra Kayhan

Hello Everybody!
In this post, me and my group members will inform you about features of LCC and FSC. LCC means Low Cost Carriers which is Ryanair and FSC means Full Service Carrier which are Lufthansa, Emirates and Delta in this video. As you know, usually passengers complain about whether free food is available in flight or not. However; you can see what other criteria about being a LCC or FSC. After watch it, you can obtain some relative information what your airline should provide if it is LCC or FSC. 

[PS: I recommend you if your flight is long-haul, you should prefer FSC one, just friendly advice :) ]



Burcu Söğüt , Gizem Koz , Hilal Sergili , Büşra Kayhan

In this post, we will introduce a few well-known airlines’ historical safety records which are belonged to Lufthansa, Emirates, Ryanair and Delta Airlines.

First, Lufthansa’s safety record will be examined. There are 5 accidents of Lufthansa in its history. If it is required to list them :

·         20November 1974 Nairobi, The aircraft was not properly configured for takeoff and stalled shortly after becoming airborne, crashing about 3600 feet beyond the end of the runway. 55/140 passengers 4/17 of the crewmember were died.

·         2 January 1988; Condor 737-200; Izmir: The Condor flight (at the time, a subsidiary of Lufthansa), was on a non-scheduled international flight from Stuttgart, when it crashed during approach to ADB airport. The probable cause of the accident was the use of incorrect navigational aids during approach. 5 crewmembers and 11 passengers were died.

·         14 September 1993; A320-200; Warsaw Airport: Aircraft landed with a tail wind. Landing performance and aircraft design led to a late deployment of braking devices. Aircraft overran the runway. One of the 1/6 crewmember and 1/64 passenger were died.

·         27 July 2010; MD-11F; flight 8460; Riyadh: The aircraft was on a cargo flight from Frankfurt too Riyadh had a landing accident that fractured the fuselage. The 2 crew members survived. This plane crash was a cargo flight without passengers. It was not a fatal event but is included because of the seriousness of the event.

·         24 March 2015; Germanwings A320-200; D-AIPX; flight 4U9525; near Barcelonnette: The aircraft was on a scheduled international flight from Barcelona to Düsseldorf. About a half hour after takeoff, while at a cruising altitude of 38,000 feet, the aircraft began losing altitude, and crashed about ten minutes later. All 6 crewmembers and 144 passengers were died.

Secondly, Emirates’ safety record will take place. Emirates started the operation in 1985 and it has never had any accident yet. However, it has reported approximately 51 incidents such as; bird strike, engine shut down in flight and could not fully retract landing gear. As an illustration, while an Emirates Airlines Airbus A380-800 was performing flight from Dubai to Frankfurt, they had faced some challenge. The crew stopped climbing and reported that the landing gear could not retract. Then, they returned to Dubai in order to make a safe landing 100 minutes after the departure. According to airline safety ranking (2015), Emirates is the second reliable airline after Cathay Pacific in a world basis. Their safety rating is 7 out of 7 and also product rating is 7 out of 7.

Let’s move on with the Ryanair. There is no accident in Ryanair history; however there are incidents such as Emirates. 10.11.2008, Ryanair Flight 4102, experienced bird strike during the flight from Frankfurt Hahn (Germany) to Rome Ciampino (Italy) 6 crew members and 166 passengers. Therewith, 2 cabin crew and 8 passengers needed medical attention after landing. Even Ryanair does not have accident, according to airline safety ranking (2015), Ryanair is the thirty-second reliable airline.

Lastly, Delta Airline’s record will mentioned in terms of its accidents. There were lots of surveys evaluating the quality of airline such as ground handling, catering, safety and so on.

According to passengers, Delta Airlines is one of the most quality and safest airlines. When Delta Airlines is examined in terms of accidents and incidents, there are few crashes since 1970. These crashes include at least one passenger death.

·         31 July 1973; Delta Air Lines DC9-31; Boston, MA: The aircraft landed short of the runway in poor visibility, striking a sea wall right of the runway centerline. All 6 crew members and 83 passengers were killed.

·         2 August 1985; Delta Air Lines L1011-1; Dallas, TX: The aircraft crashed shortly before landing after encountering a wind shear from a passing thunderstorm. 8 of the 11 crew members and 128 of the 152 passengers were killed.

·         31 August 1988; Delta Air Lines 727-200; Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, TX: The aircraft stalled and crashed on takeoff due to the flaps not being properly set by the flight crew. 2 of the 7 crew members and 12 of the 101 passengers were killed.

·         21 August 1995; Delta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines) Embraer Brasilia; near Carrolton, GA: As the aircraft was climbing through 18,000 feet, the left propeller shed a blade and the propeller would not feather. The aircraft diverted to a nearby airport, hit trees and was destroyed by fire. 1 of the 3 crew members and 7 of the 26 passengers were killed.

·         6 July 1996; Delta MD-88; Pensacola, FL: During the takeoff, the left engine sustained an uncontained failure, causing pieces of the engine to penetrate the cabin, killing 2 of the 137 passengers.

·         9 January 1997; Delta Connection (Comair) Embraer Brasilia; near Monroe, MI: The aircraft was en route to Detroit Metro Airport from Cincinnati when it crashed shortly before dusk in a field about 20 miles (32 km) south of the airport. All 3 crew members and 26 passengers were killed.

·         27 August 2006; Delta Connection (Comair) CRJ-100; Lexington, KY: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Lexington, KY to Atlanta, GA. The aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff, about one half mile (800 m) from the end of the departure runway. 2 of the 3 crew members and all 47 passengers were killed.

In the light of this information, 7 accidents in 45 years in acceptable; especially if it is considered there were no crash last 18 years except 1 in 2006.



Hi folks!

Today we will be informed about one of the major airlines which is DELTA AIRLINES. It takes place under full service carriers segment. Delta Airlines serves 5400 flights in a day within 64 countries. 

Let's learn about it deeply :)


19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Hello New Semester ! :)

Hello guys! This is my 6th semester in Özyeğin University as an Aviation Management Student. I will write on this board for one of my courses which is AVM 301 - Airline Management. We are a group of four aviation students. Our team members are Gizem KOZ, Hilal SERGİLİ, Büşra KAYHAN and me Burcu SÖĞÜT :)

I hope, you will enjoy with my blog posts and maybe you can find interesting information to broaden your horizon :)